
About Us

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About Us

Integrated Industrial Incubation Centre (IIIC)

The Integrated Industrial Incubation Centre (IIIC) has been established as a joint venture of TATA Technologies, the global engineering service provider, and Jyothi Engineering College (JEC) to enhance the skills of students which leads to innovation and invention.

IIIC acts as an incubator for their hidden skills empowering students to fly higher on the knowledge horizon. It serves the students and faculty by imparting hands-on experience in cutting-edge technologies in the industry.

The tie-up with TATA is expected to bring about qualitative improvements in technical education. This will be achieved through industry-academia partnerships, as well as students’ training sessions combined with first-hand industrial learning to make them more employable.

This is also expected to equip the technical institutions with modern equipment and state-of-the-art technologies, and in the process also enhance their reputation.

IIIC offers 120 hours training for following courses in association with TATA Technologies

    Product Design and Development

    Electric Vehicle Repair and Maintenance

    Design Engineering

    IIoT Engineering

    PLM Application Engineering

    Advanced Industrial Robotics

    Product Verification Analysis

    Advanced Manufacturing Engineering

    Machine Tool Operator / CNC Operator

IIIC offers additional following (40 hours) Courses in association with TATA Technologies

    Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation

    Basics of manufacturing and quality

    Communication skills

    Business analytics-basics

    Cost Engineering

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Tata Technologies will have its own assessment process to check the competency level of students. If the desired level is not achieved then a student will have to repeat the course. Certificates will be issued to successful candidates only. After successful completion of all modules of a particular course, the eligible student will be awarded a certificate of achievement.

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Potential of Integrated Industrial Incubation Centre


    Skill enhancement and employee development .

    Get ready for opportunities at work

A tie-up between Jyothi Engineering college and Tata Technologies Limited, the “Integrated Industrial Incubation Centre (IIIC)” an Industrial Experiential Learning & Development centre also referred to as the IIIC. The MoU was signed on Tuesday 1st September 2020. It is the first in South India and the 6th in India

Tata IIIC is a one-stop centre providing Integrated industrial training on technical and skill development in collaboration with JEC to communities close to where they live as part of a comprehensive strategy to better their lives.

    Aims at developing Greater skills.

    Quality improvement in technical education.

    To pool skilled manpower like engineers, technicians for industrial growth and to create employment avenues.

    Make Students Industry Ready.